The Drs. John J. and Margaret T.
Clark Memorial Scholarship
Dr. John J. and Dr. Margaret T. Clark were dedicated members of Saint Mary Magdalen Parish. As life-long educators, the Clarks directed that a gift be made through their estate to endow scholarships for students who are members of Saint Mary Magdalen parish toward their post-secondary education.
The Clark Memorial Scholarship was established in 2024 and its first recipient
Connor Victoria was announced in May of 2024.
Annually, one eligible student is selected by the Saint Mary Magdalen Scholarship Committee to receive a scholarship toward the first two (2) years of undergraduate tuition for their chosen college, university, or trade school. The scholarship amount is $5,000 annually for up to two years.
Eligible students must be active Saint Mary Magdalen parish members and current high school seniors (graduating in May/June 2025).
The application has three parts:
Application: The student submits the application via Google Forms.
Letter of Recommendation: A letter of recommendation is received via email to the scholarship committee by a teacher or guidance counselor.
Transcript: An official high school transcript is emailed to the scholarship committee by a guidance counselor or representative of the high school.
An application process is only considered complete when all three parts above have been submitted to the scholarship committee. The 2025 Scholarship deadline is March 15, 2025.
To apply for the scholarship:
Click Here to access the application via Google Forms. As part of the application, a personal statement discussing the importance of your Catholic faith (maximum of 500 words) is required. 2025 Applications must be submitted by March 15, 2025.
One letter of recommendation from a teacher or guidance counselor is required. This letter must be emailed separately to the scholarship committee by a teacher or guidance counselor to clarkscholarship@stmarymagdalen.net by March 15, 2025.
An official high school transcript is required. The transcript must be emailed separately to the scholarship committee by a guidance counselor or a high school representative at clarkscholarship@stmarymagdalen.net by March 15, 2025.
The scholarship committee will notify the recipient by May 1, 2025.
Applicants can send any questions to the scholarship committee by emailing clarkscholarship@stmarymagdalen.net