Religious Education encompasses many aspects of our faith formation. Faith formation is a life-long process for all members of our parish family—children and adults. There is no time in one's life when formation in our faith ends. In other words—it is a lifelong journey for each one of us!
Faith in Christ is what makes us one family—one Church.
At St. Mary Magdalen, we offer a variety of enrichment opportunities from speaker events
to educational programs. For more information, please review our current opportunities,
dowload our digital bulletin, or contact our parish office.
Our program's main goal is to help your child to reach Jesus: to know that they are especially loved
and valued by Jesus Christ.
Our catechetical programs go from Grades 1 through 7.
Students who complete our program of studies are prepared to complete the initiationinto the Catholic faith
through the Sacrament of Confirmation.
For more information
Many adults entering the Catholic Church, or those just thinking about it, follow a process known as the
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Sessions focus the teachings and practices of the Catholic faith, as well as the value and application of faith in our daily lives. This journey takes you through various phases on your way to becoming a Catholic.
For more information,
St. Mary Magdalen offers many opportunities to deepen our faith formation with a variety of worship and learning enrichment offerings including speakers, retreats, formation programs, bible groups, services, ministries, and various faith-based organizations.
Go to events, and ministries, or see a current bulletin for more.
For more information
Walking with Purpose
The heart of our ministry is our parish-based Bible study program for adult women. Our parish programs welcome all women irrespective of faith background, age, or marital status. The program incorporates Scripture study, weekly small group discussion,and monthly talks.
That Man is You!
That Man is You! addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. That Man is You! truly accompanies men and their families on the pathway to holiness. Join online anytimefor Fall and Spring sessions!