Account registration is required for CYO registration.
Having an issue with your CYO login or registration?
Please contact the CYO President for further assistance.
For more CYO information, contact our CYO President, Mr. Mike Sirkin.
CYO Sports is more than just a sports program—it is a ministry.
Our parish’s comprehensive youth ministry program, of which CYO Sports is a vital part, thrives on the partnership of parents, coaches, priests, religious, teachers, and adult leaders. This collaborative effort manages and supports a sports program that allows youth in PREP and our school to grow in their relationship with God and come to understand themselves and the Catholic faith better.
CYO at St. Mary Magdalen gives our youth the opportunity to witness the life of service and discipleship in their coaches and community leaders and encourages youth to become responsible community members.
The CYO Board
The SMM CYO Board is responsible for organizing and coordinating all of the CYO athletic programs for St. Mary Magdalen.