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Healing Ministry Services:

Homebound Communion Call, Anointing of the Sick,

or Confession Outside of Parish:

Please contact the parish office

directly to make arrangements for visits to our homebound or hospitalized parishioners so they can receive the Eucharist, anointing, or to schedule a confession outside of the parish (in a non-emergency situation).

Call our parish office


H.O.P.E. Meal Service:

Please contact our H.O.P.E. Ministry Coordinator, Kelly Hassey, if you or someone you know in our parish needs meal support. H.O.P.E Ministry brings 

meals to parishioners experiencing a difficult time due to an illness, loss of income, or other life event. We also encourage all parishioners to serve on one of our H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Everyday) meal teams. 

Kelly Hassey, RN, MSN, CRNP

H.O.P.E. Coodinator

Email Kelly Hassey


Bereavement Support:

Our Bereavement Ministry is here to help those and their loved ones in our community who experience the loss of a family member or loved one. If you need grief support, please contact:

John and Dottie Donohue

Bereavement Coordinators

Email John Donohue


Funeral Planning:

Our musical director and funeral planning coordinator, Ralph Purri, helps those who have experienced a death in their family. He assists them in arranging the funeral and burial plans, including selecting readings, hymns, and protocols.

Ralph Purri

Funeral Coordinator

Email Ralph Purri

610.566.8821, Ext: 128


Christ has no body now but ours.

By reaching out and serving those who

are poor in spirit, body, and mind—

we are Jesus’ hands and feet.

Since 2007, our parish Healing Ministry has brought the Good News of Jesus to our parish families. Our mission is ministering to the homebound, sick, elderly, bereaved, nursing home residents, and emotionally suffering family members.  


See the list of healing ministry services outline on the left side of the page and contact the ministry's team leader (or our parish office) for further assistance.

SMM's Healing Ministry works in partnership. We offer homebound Communion Calls and work with our H.O.P.E. Ministry's meal program, the Bereavement Ministry, and Funeral Planner to serve and support our community. Our network of volunteers works to draw our parish community closer to Jesus and each other. 


Many teams of parishioners volunteer their time and talents to serve and visit any of our families in need with meals, support, and Communion calls to home or senior living facilities. 

We also offer educational information to seniors and their family members from certified eldercare lawyers, social workers, and health professionals on common topics of concern.  Morning Retreats for spiritual enrichment occur throughout the year, assuring us that we are precious to Jesus and the parish family.

If you would like to join the effort or you know someone in need of our support, please call our office.

helping hand.jpg

Saint Mary Magdalen Parish is a Roman Catholic community of faith that seeks to live in the presence of Jesus Christ by the way we worship God, celebrate the sacraments, proclaim the Gospel, and serve one another and our neighbors. 



We are part of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and serve the community in and around Media, PA. All are Welcome!


2400 N. Providence Rd.

Media, Pennsylvania 19063


Office: 610.566.8821

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday:

 9 AM to 4 PM



9 AM to Noon

or by private appointment.

Closed during summer.

Rev. Eric J. Banecker


Rev. Msgr. Ralph J. Chieffo

Pastor Emeritus


Created by KBDC for St. Mary Magdalen Parish  I All rights reserved

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