Mass & Worship
We welcome the faithful to visit us for Mass and Adoration or at other devotional times and Holy Hours, which are offered regularly. All are welcome!

Adoration Chapel
Enjoy the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in our Adoration Chapel.
We invite you to spend time in prayer each week with Jesus.
Mondays from 7 AM
through Fridays at 1 PM.
Currently Closed
See Posting or Bulletin
*Times or Dates May Change
See a current bulletin
Morning Prayer
7:15 AM from Monday to Friday
in the Chapel.
First Friday Holy Hour
5:30 PM Adoration & Confessions,
followed by Mass at 6:30 PM.
Legion of Mary
9:30 AM on Tuesdays
in the Gathering Room.
7:15 PM on Tuesdays
in the Chapel.
Flame of Love Devotions
Noon on Fridays
in the Chapel.

Confession Times
9 to 10 AM
6:15 to 6:45 PM
Private Reconciliations
Please call the office to schedule.
Lent & Advent
Additional Opportunities for Reconciliation & Days of Mercy
(See bulletin or website for dates)