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Building a Family of Faith in Jesus Christ

through Catholic Worship, Education & Charity

Please get in touch with the group's leader for up-to-date schedules & information.

Bride and Groom
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Altar Servers


Students in fifth grade and up are trained to assist the priest during Mass, weddings, funerals, and other liturgical services.  Serving at the altar allows youth to become involved in the sacred liturgy, serve the parish and consider religious vocations. 

Contact: Deacon Joseph Boyle


Altar Society & Church Care


The Altar Society is a group of dedicated parishioners who assist in caring for the altar linens, albs, and beautifying the sanctuary area. Church care work to keep the church clean and beautiful.

Contact: Monica Grzeczkowski


Extraordinary Ministers


Men and women assist the clergy in distributing Holy Communion at Mass and to our homebound parish members.  Ministers hold prayer services at nursing homes in the area. Training is available.

Contact: Joanne Hinkle



Music Ministry


The music ministry includes adult and youth choirs, guitar group, cantors, and organists.  Music ministers support the congregation in song during worship, opening up to the Church's rich musical heritage.

Music Director: Ralph Purri


Lectors are lay volunteers who proclaim the Liturgy of the Word and the Prayer of the Faithful during the Mass. Lectors play a vital role in the celebration of the Liturgy.

Contact:  Deacon Joseph Boyle 

Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration


A lay ministry of scheduled adorers, who spend a quiet holy hour in prayer. Eucharistic presence weekly. See a current bulletin for the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament hours, and visit our chapel for personal prayer. To learn more about assigned adorer hours, contact:

Contact: Shelly Zeller


Children's Liturgy of the Word

Children in K-3rd are welcome to attend CLOW during the 9:30 AM Mass each week. Seasoned and new parents share the Gospel message with children in the Chapel during the part of our Mass. It is a minimal commitment, and training is available.

Contact: CLOW

Little Church School

A class for children ages 3 to 5 years old

teaches Jesus through stories, songs, games, crafts, and prayer. It is held in the Gathering Room at the 9:30 AM Mass during the school year. Volunteers are welcome. Registration is required. For more:

Contact: Anne Fenerty

Marriage Encounter


Marriage Encounter offers married couples the opportunity to examine their lives together, emphasizing communication. Couples take a weekend to concentrate on their marriage. 

Contact: Dennis & Lorraine Kinslow

Marriage Prep (Pre-Cana)

A Pre-Cana team presents a series of scheduled talks to engaged couples, covering communication, intimacy, adjustments, traditions, and spirituality.

After course, couples receive the certificate required by the Archdiocese for marriage.  

Contact: Main Office

Walking With Purpose


Our mission is to help every Catholic woman and girl in America encounter Jesus Christ through our Bible study programs.

We help women and girls to know Jesus Christ personally by making Scripture 

and the teachings of the Catholic Church 

relevant and applicable. Visit our SMM page

Visit: WWP at SMM


Society St. Vincent DePaul at SMM

We provide food, shelter, and other assistance to our neighbors facing an unexpected crisis through the generosity of our parishioners and benefactors. We meet with people in the dignity of their own homes, where we listen to them, pray together and show them love and respect. Learn more at:

Contact: Paul Feuerstein

Rosary in Sunset
Preserved Food

Parish Religious Education Program


Our goal is to help children reach Jesus, knowing they are loved and valued by Christ. Religious Education classes are provided for our youth, emphasizing the love of God, community, and our Catholic heritage. Registration is required each fall.

For more, Visit: PREP Online

RCIA • Adult Faith Formation


Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? RCIA is a Rite that welcomes those seeking information and a full communion into the Roman Catholic faith. The primary purpose is to assist prospective Catholics in becoming active members of the church community.  


For more, Visit: RCIA Online

Legion of Mary


We pray and work to support the underserved. We offer prison visits, pray the Rosary, visit hospitals, and offer our ‘Home to Home’ program with our traveling Blessed Mother statue. 

Contact: James Fawcett

Healing Ministry


Lay volunteers minister to the homebound sick, elderly, bereaved, or suffering. Our volunteers visit and offer comfort in kindness, prayer, and the Eucharist. To help or report a parishioner in need:

For more, Visit: Healing Ministry

H.O.P.E. Ministry


Helping Other People Everyday (HOPE) is a ministry that works within our Healing Ministry. We bring meals weekly to any parishioners experiencing difficult times. We encourage all parishioners to be part of a HOPE meal team and help out about every ten weeks. 

Contact: Kelly Hassey

Food Pantry


A simple way to make a big difference! Our collection of non-perishable food and cleaning items is a year-round ministry for area families in need. The items donated are collected in the church's Narthex. Volunteers are always welcomed.

Contact: Sue Fromhold

Catholic Youth Organization


A comprehensive youth ministry enables partnerships between parents, coaches, and clergy to engage youth in sports, grow their relationship with God, and better understand themselves, others, and their Catholic faith.

For More, Visit: CYO Ministry

Seniors' Social Club 


Seniors' Social Club offers monthly meetings and events that provide social interaction for adults. They sponsor trips and programs of interest to those over fifty, but all are welcome. See a current bulletin for trips, events, and meetings.

Contact: Paul Berenato

Bethesda Project


Our mission is to find and care for the underserved and poor with no family. Volunteers help Bethesda Project provide shelter, food, and housing to chronically homeless men and women. 

Click for easy casserole recipes!

Contact: Joanne Hinkle

Knights of Columbus


The Knights of Columbus is an organization of men dedicated to service for the Church and society. SMM Council (#14982) was formed in 2010. The Knights' four core principles are Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. Visit

For More, Visit: SMM Knights



That Man is You

It is a program for Catholic men to aid them with the pressures and temptations they face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program focuses on  the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive! Join anytime. Learn more at:

Contact: John Gill


Above are only some of our many active groups, clubs, faith enrichment and ministry programs offered

at St. Mary Magdalen. Download a current Bulletin; visit our online Calendar; or click on our Event page to see more about upcoming classes and events. Click the link below for the Directory of Ministries, Services and Clubs currently offered at SMM.

Click link below for additional directory of our Ministries, Clubs and Organizations.

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SMM Golf team 2017

Saint Mary Magdalen Parish is a Roman Catholic community of faith that seeks to live in the presence of Jesus Christ by the way we worship God, celebrate the sacraments, proclaim the Gospel, and serve one another and our neighbors. 



We are part of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and serve the community in and around Media, PA. All are Welcome!


2400 N. Providence Rd.

Media, Pennsylvania 19063


Office: 610.566.8821

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday:

 9 AM to 4 PM



9 AM to Noon

or by private appointment.

Closed during summer.

Rev. Eric J. Banecker


Rev. Msgr. Ralph J. Chieffo

Pastor Emeritus


Created by KBDC for St. Mary Magdalen Parish  I All rights reserved

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