This Easter Sunday, we pray that our Risen Lord will heal and strengthen our faith, love, and hope for a closer friendship with Jesus and one another. Our Risen Savior frees us from the devil, the source of sickness, sin, and death. When we worship together as a faith family, we grow in compassion and care. Moreover, Jesus reveals the way and the truth to our heavenly home, where there is no more sickness and sadness. By practicing the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, we can taste the joy of the Communion of Saints.
To be a follower and disciple of the Lord Jesus requires faith and obedience. When we entrust our lives to Jesus, miracles will abound. For our Divine Physician transforms bread and wine into His Body and Blood, heals the sick, reconciles sinners, and raises the dead. By renewing our Baptismal Promises, He invites us to do the same by loving and forgiving everyone. God's love and mercy offer us the Good News of hope and healing.
How do we entrust our lives to the grace and guidance of God's Powerful Spirit, which is our GPS? First, believe that God is always loving and forgiving. Secondly, when we feel powerless over sickness and sin, know that Jesus suffers with us in our humanity but heals and forgives us through His divinity. Thirdly, we need to associate with people of faith willing to share our struggles and teach us how to live the Be-Attitudes of Christ. Finally, as Gifted-Givers, we must share the blessings of our Risen Lord with our compassionate hearts and caring hands.
Pray: Jesus, may I fix my eyes constantly on you so that your Holy Spirit can change my mourning into dancing. Please remove my sackcloth of sadness and clothe me with the robe of gladness to proclaim that you live and love through me.
Rejoice this Easter Season and expect miracles of divine love, peace, and joy!