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Sacraments include religious ceremonies or acts that are regarded as an outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual divine grace—in particular in the Roman Catholic (and many Orthodox Churches) the rites of: Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the sick, Ordination, and Matrimony.

The sacraments are Christ's gift that provide us with His grace. These gifts enable us to believe the truths of his faith, live according to his moral code, and grow in his gift of divine life. These seven sacraments are a fundamental part of the Catholic faith.


The Beginning of Life

We commend you for welcoming Christ into Your Child! May God bless you in raising and caring for your child. Your child will learn many things from you and others throughout their lives, but none as important as living a Christian life as a

member of a community of worship, commitment, and service.

For further assistance, please contact our

Parish Office.


Grace for Fullness

of Faith and Life

Through this sacrament, the candidate is strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit, made a true witness of Christ in word and deed, and invited more deeply into the life of the Church. Confirmation is part of mentoring generations of Christians, affirming the promise of their lives, and immersing them in the Christian vision of building a community of love and justice in the world.

These candidates are the future and the promise of our Church. As missionary disciples, we are responsible for calling these young men and women into the future with us. 

For further assistance, please contact our Office.


Rising Again to New Life

The sacrament of Reconciliation is also known as Penance and Confession. In this sacrament, the priest, as the agent of God, forgives sins committed after baptism when the sinner is heartily sorry for them, sincerely confesses them, and is willing to make satisfaction for them.


Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered on Saturday from

9 to 10 AM and Sunday from 6:15 to 6:45 PM, or call the parish office to schedule a private time. 

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In the Presence

of the Lord 

As Catholics, First Eucharist

(Holy Communion) is the third of seven sacraments received. It occurs only after receiving Baptism and First Reconciliation (the first Sacrament of Penance) must precede the first reception of the Eucharist. The holy Eucharist completes Christian initiation.

The Eucharist is the sum and summary of our faith.

For further assistance, please contact our Office.


A Union Sealed

In a sacramental marriage, God’s love becomes present to the spouses in their total union and flows through them to their family and community. By their permanent, faithful, and exclusive giving to each other, the couple reveals something of God’s unconditional love. The sacrament of Christian marriage involves their entire life's journey together. Their life becomes sacramental to the extent that the couple cooperates with God’s action in their life and sees themselves as living “in Christ” and Christ living and acting in their relationship, attitudes, and actions.

For Weddings, call our

Office for assistance.


Comfort and Healing

The sacrament that helps unite those who are suffering with Jesus' saving and healing power is the Anointing of the Sick. Through this sacrament people receive forgiveness for their sins and comfort in their suffering; they are restored in spirit; and sometimes they even experience the return of physical health. 

This sacrament is for the seriously ill, injured, those undergoing surgery, or the elderly. 


Anointing of the Sick

is available to anyone seriously ill from one of our priests.

For further assistance please

contact our Parish Office.


Heed the Call

Holy Orders is the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time. Thus, it is the sacrament of apostolic ministry. It includes the following: Priesthood, Diaconate.


PREP: Our catechetical programs begin in First Grade and extend through Seventh Grade for children not enrolled in our parish school. Students who complete this program are prepared to complete initiation into the Catholic faith through the sacrament of Confirmation. Please note that classes are available only to registered SMM Parishioners.  

OCIA: Learn more about Adult Entrance into the Catholic Church takes place through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA or RCIA). To learn more, go to OCIA and Introduction to Catholicism.


Saint Mary Magdalen Parish is a Roman Catholic community of faith that seeks to live in the presence of Jesus Christ by the way we worship God, celebrate the sacraments, proclaim the Gospel, and serve one another and our neighbors. 



We are part of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and serve the community in and around Media, PA. All are Welcome!


2400 N. Providence Rd.

Media, Pennsylvania 19063


Office: 610.566.8821

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday:

 9 AM to 4 PM



9 AM to Noon

or by private appointment.

Closed during summer.

Rev. Eric J. Banecker


Rev. Msgr. Ralph J. Chieffo

Pastor Emeritus


Created by KBDC for St. Mary Magdalen Parish  I All rights reserved

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